Not to bad for a camera phone picture. I gotta say Dave Attell ROCKS!! if you can get a chance to see him, GO!!! he was so funny. Although, I wished the table next to us got tossed, they heckled all during the show, it would have been interesting to hear Dave talk about it at the next show.
Ever been to Carolines in NYC? I was suprised. If you do go there, Get a reservation for dinner, you actually get a better seating for the show. I sat 3 people to the stage. The tickets are 35 bucks each with a 2 drink mininum (and that includes soda) You can also eat while the show is going on but we weren't interested in that.
Wish I had more pics of the show. Afterwards we went to the Red Rock Saloon. The link isn't there real website, it seems to be under construction. But this place can be a lot of fun ESPECIALLY when your women gets on the bar to dance with the other gurls. The movie Coyote Ugly was based from this bar. Lotsa durty girls are ther, go and see.
dirty bert
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